Welcome to my AS Media Blog

Hi my name is Amy Roberts and I am an AS level Media Studies student at CNS sixth form.
Welcome to my blog

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Soundscape for COUNTERPLAY

Above is the non diegetic music we are going to use in the opening 2 minutes of our thriller film COUNTERPLAY. The track is called "turning the screw (pad)"

We chose this music because it works with the action we that will be shown on the screen, the scene with Grace being followed by Lewis down the alleyway. We believe it will raise tension and suspense and is in some ways very similar to the music used in American horror story opening credits which successfully create suspense and raise tension.

We believe the tone of the music connotes feelings of vague fear and unease.  The deep bass notes are usually linked to urban settings and the fact that there are houses in the background of our clip works because it also shows that there are people close by but yet they can do nothing to help Grace, and do not even know that she is being followed and abducted by Lewis.

We are going to have some diegetic music in our thriller which will be diegetic sounds of both characters breathing heavily and the diegetic sound of footsteps which will increase in pace as the characters move more quickly, the fact that this sound will be diegetic will increase tension and raise suspense.

We also have 2 other soundscapes in our opening, the music played when Grace's leaving the party which will only be played for a few seconds but will have the connotations of a teenage party. The other sound will be the Jazz music played over the top of the chess game scene which has connotations of secrecy because many composers believe jazz has a hidden meaning under each of the notes.

This was chosen as a whole group.

1 comment:

  1. Revise the media terminology we covered regarding sound in films. Use more terminology here. Well done for referring to other films that have influenced you choices about sound.
