Welcome to my AS Media Blog

Hi my name is Amy Roberts and I am an AS level Media Studies student at CNS sixth form.
Welcome to my blog

Friday 6 March 2015


The use of a rough -cut enabled us to see the areas of our video that need to be worked on. For example we focused on transitions between clips, and how we could make it neater and more effective instead of cutting straight to the next shot. Another thing the rough-cut showed us it that we need to sort out the breaking of the 180° rule in the end shots with Rakib and Ali. It has also allowed us to get a feel of the sound and how we would need to work on that because we have 3 different non diegetic soundtracks as well as the diegetic sound of footsteps and heavy breathing all to sort out.

The rough-cut allowed us to analyse and fix our work before it was finished and too late to see what was wrong with it.

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