Welcome to my AS Media Blog

Hi my name is Amy Roberts and I am an AS level Media Studies student at CNS sixth form.
Welcome to my blog

Monday 13 April 2015

Evaluation Question 4

           Who would be the audience for your media product?

Media Texts
Possible examples of texts
 How does our film fit this profile?
I think that the genre of films our target audience would watch would be of the same genre of thriller and would be films such as Taken and other action thrillers
 Our film is of a similar genre to these and would suit the audience that watch these films because it is similar to the films they already watch.
I think the main radio station that would be listened to by our thriller target audience would be Radio One because that is a modern, younger generation, attracting radio station. We could also consider having adverts on the radio or interviews which promote the film and widen our audience.
 This fits our film profile because the audience that Radio One attracts is similar to that of the audience demographic we are trying to reach with our film.
I would consider Empire as a possible magazine that would be read by our target audience  because it attracts a younger audience who are interested in films and it means we could also consider placing adverts in the magazine which would further expand our audience.
 This fits our film profile because Empire is a modern magazine that has featured films such as Taken and other action thrillers.
Television shows
 Television shows that could interest our audience are shows such as The Tomorrow People, The 100 and 24 because these are all engaging thriller films that would have a similar audience demographic as the one we are trying to attract,
 This fits our film profile because they are action thrillers and they also use suspense like we do in our thriller opening.
These possible texts that our audience could be interested in were decided as a group.

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