Welcome to my AS Media Blog

Hi my name is Amy Roberts and I am an AS level Media Studies student at CNS sixth form.
Welcome to my blog

Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation Question 6

In the production of our thriller we used different technologies such as video cameras because we believed it would be the best piece of technology to film our thriller on, the camera we used also had built in microphones which picked up the little diegetic sound we had. We didn't use external mics due to the lack of diegetic sound in our thriller. We used the camera in different ways and different angles so we didn't have the same angle all the way through. Using the camera in different ways made me consider the way that other films are produced and the time that must go into filming them.

In post production we used Premier Pro to help us change shots in post production. We accidentally broke the 180 degree rule during filming and had to flip 2 of our shots to make sure they were the right way round. We also used colour and lighting adjustments in post production to enhance our shots and make sure they were
visible to the audience. We added in fade to white in between our cross cuts to help with continuity.
 Fade to white

In post production we also added our non diegetic soundtracks. And used soundbridges to help, again, with continuity. This allowed us to link our soundtracks together and not have any issue with using 2 soundtracks.

Presentational devices used on my blog
I have used powerpoints on my blog because these are an easy to use and understand method of presenting my work, you can link it together and add screenshots and pictures to emphasis your points. I have also used video clips included with my work to show the points I am analysing and to show what I am talking about. I used Prezis to present my answer to the evaluation question 5 to present my ideas in a different and more creative way.

Technology has helped me in my research because I could google ideas and compare our thriller to other thrilers that have already been filmed and produced. Youtube allowed me to analyse other thrillers and consider techniques we could use in our own thriller production.
Technology also helped in the planning of our thriller because we could use google maps to look at locations before we went location scouting. We used our phones we went location scouting to take photos of possible locations and we used them to call each other when we thought we had found somewhere suitable.

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